“Thoughts Become Things”
Take a second to think about what distinguishes you, as a hacker. Is it your impressive ability to stay (semi) functional for 24 hours on end? Maybe your unmatched ability to maintain a sense of humor, even when the Gods of Code decide to pick on you that day? Or is it your ability to easily process immense amounts of Red Bull?
While all of these things are impressive (seriously, props for the no sleep thing), what really distinguishes you hackers from others, is your unparalleled PASSION for what you do. A passion that is derived from a single feeling, and is guided by your need to see that feeling turn into a thought, the thought turn into an idea, and the idea come to life!
Welcome to the Eighth season of AngelHack, where Thoughts Become Things!
What makes AngelHack the best hackathon series on the planet, nay, the universe?Well, if you’ve been to any of our events before, then you already know the answer to this. But if you haven’t, here’s a glimpse of why:
Hundreds of the world’s most talented hackers for you to mingle & work with
$100,000’s in sponsor prizes
The opportunity to gain an exclusive invite to our HACKcelerator program for the winners of each hackathon
Mandatory Demos, code reviews, and banning of slide decks to ensure fairness and equal opportunity
Games, games, and more games to keep you PUMPED! (Nerf war anyone?)
Awesome food, and LOTS of it.
Coding through the night (because you never know when inspiration might strike, right?)
Sponsor awards, breakout sessions, and post-event parties!
- Swag on swag on swag!
At AngelHack, we believe in generous rewards to those who prove themselves worthy. So each year we team up with our sponsors to bring you the best prizes ever. Drumroll please:
- First Prize: An exclusive invite to our HACKcelerator.
- Sponsor Prizes:
- SPHERE.IO: For the most awesome hack in every city, we’re happy to give away up to 20.000 € credit for the SPHERE.IO platform to bring your project to life (you’re also free to use this credit for any other project you’re working on, or - as a developer or an agency - pass it to a customer). Furthermore, having our headquarter in the world’s beer capital, we’re very excited to invite the best team of all cities we attend (San Francisco, Manhattan, Barcelona, Seattle, Chicago, Boston, Toronto, Brooklyn, London, Berlin, Silicon Valley) to join us at our annual Oktoberfest team event in September in Munich - flight expenses, accommodation, beer and great fun included.
So gear up, hold that thought, and get ready to bring your ‘A’ game hackers! Your hardwork and dedication will not go unrecognized!
ScheduleDay 1 - Saturday
09:00 AM : Doors Open to Attendees / Breakfast of Champions
10:30 AM : Sponsor Talks and Team Pitches
12:00 PM : Hackathon begins
01:00 PM : Lunch is served
02:00 PM : Sponsor breakout sessions
07:00 PM : Dinner is served..
Hack through the night!
Day 2 - Sunday
08:00 AM : Breakfast
12:00 PM : Lunch
01:00 PM : Hackathon Ends / Submission due on hackathon.io.
02:00 PM : Demos Begin / Demos only / No Slide Decks
(If your demo doesn’t work, take us through the code of
what you did and where you got stuck. It’s about showing what you’ve learned and not about pitching an idea)
6:00PM: Winners are announced / Prizathon!
Congrats and Hell Yeah!
Just one more thing before we let you go; we will be filming and shooting photos at the event to share the good times & innovation with the rest of our community. So by entering the venue, you’re giving us the OK to snap photos of that pretty face of yours and post it on our social media!
For more info, please don’t hesitate visit our website or contact the AngelHack team.
We look forward to seeing you there!
- The AngelHack Team