Pour notre prochain rencontre, on a 3 invités qui vont nous parler de l'éditeur de texte vim, du développement des packages, et du R dans un environnement de production. Amenez un ordinateur portable si vous voulez suivre les démonstrations. / For our next meetup, we have 3 guest speakers who will tell us about the vim text editor, package development, and R in production. Bring a laptop if you want to follow along with the live demos.
Since in our last meetup we had a presentation about Emacs+ESS, it is only fitting that Alexis Blanchet-Cohen will tell us this time about "The VIM R plugin" -- the other contender in the classic editor war. Alexis writes: "Are you still copy-pasting R code from your text editor to the R console, when working on a server through a terminal? Do your wrists ache at the thought of having to use emacs, and its dreaded key combinations? The VIM R plugin could be a quick way to fix your problems and improve your workflow. I'll be doing a quick overview of the installation and features of this nifty VIM plugin, which allows you, amongst other features, to send R code directly to the console from VIM."
Dominic Comtois (www.statconseil.com) va nous parler de :
Intro au package summarytools, et le développement de packages avec RStudio & Github
Présentation du package summarytools - démonstration, composantes. Environnement de développement RStudio + GitHub (initialisation, commits & pushes). Création de packages "CRAN-ready" et soumission au dépôt CRAN.
Introducing the summarytools package + developing packages with RStudio & GitHub.
Presentation / demo of summarytools and its components. RStudio & GitHub as a development environment; Writing CRAN-ready packages and submission to the CRAN repo.
La présentation sera bilingue; Most of the talking will be in French, but English supporting material will be available.
> devtools::install_github("dcomtois/summarytools")
> install.packages("summarytools") # if devtools is unavailable on your laptop
Ben Rollert will tell us about "Putting R in production." The presentation will start with a brief overview of best practices for writing R code in situations where one-off scripts won't suffice. I'll also talk about the need for tools that help analysts do their job without waiting for engineering resources. From there, I'll dive into a live presentation with Domino (http://www.dominodatalab.com/): I'll show how to schedule runs, programatically pass arguments to scripts, and publish an API endpoint. At the end I'll open up the floor for discussion.