Session A: Introduction to Essential Oils: Come learn healthy habits and join us for an hour of fun and information to learn about Young Living’s therapeutic grade essential oils. Learn from Lindsey Gremont, aka Homemade Mommy and Crown Diamond with Young Living and Stephanie Moram, aka Good Girl Gone Green and Platinum with Young Living about how to make all kinds of natural do-it-yourself beauty products and home remedies! Young Living has over 150 all-natural, 100% pure therapeutic-grade essential oils to help you live a healthier lifestyle. Young Living is the world leader in producing and guaranteeing 100% pure and genuine essential oils. Learn how to take control of your health and discover the “Something Better” you have been searching for. You'll laugh, learn, and go home smelling great!
Session B: Build Your Dreams with Young Living - Lindsey Gremont, Crown Diamond
Ticket price is for existing Young Living members. YL members bringing a guest get free admission for the guest!