Our SATURDAY session is a weekly session for anyone interested in writing in the South West, a five minute walk from metro Lionel-Groulx (near Atwater market).
We will be at Georges-Vanier library from 1pm to 2:30pm.
The library has generously allowed us to use their sunny meeting room across from the children's library ("premier étage" by way of the elevators but one flight up from the ground floor).
The schedule will be as follows:
1pm-1:15: we arrive, say hello, make introductions and chat.
1:15-2:15: we write in silence.
2:15-2:30: we wrap up and leave.
You can also text me before the meeting at[masked] but my phone will be off during the writing period.
Anybody who is interested in joining and respecting the above is more than welcome. Please spread the word!
(Please no music in headphones; it is distracting to others.)
FEE: I don't want to charge people to take part in meet-ups but I pay to use the Meetup.com website. This month they are increasing the fees for larger groups, such as this one. (I also spend some time organizing and administering the group.) What I ask instead of a set fee is a suggested donation. If you can give a few dollars that would help, maybe a dollar or two per meeting or a bit more less often. This would help offset the fees they charge me. Thanks!
BONUS..... if anyone in the group is interested in practicing German, directly following the writing group there will be a German conversation group starting at 2:30pm. Information here: http://www.meetup.com/GermanLanguageExchange/